
Bruce Watt


Bruce knows Whistler and Pemberton inside and out, and has nurtured friendships with clients from all over the world for over 40 years.

Bruce first skied Whistler Mountain on a weekend from college in the sixties then in 1973 became a Whistlerite. When the resort was young  & so was Bruce, he lived for four years without electricity or even running water in the winter. He began working on the lifts & quickly attained a position on the professional ski patrol. He was dedicated to training & validating the first civilian avalanche rescue dog in Canada. Creating and co-founding the Canadian Avalanche Rescue Dog Association (CARDA) with the help of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Parks Canada, Whistler Mountain Ski Corporation and other dog handlers from B.C., Alb., & the Yukon was truly a dream come true. 

Bruce would love to hear your Whistler stories! 604.905.0737
